Software BS1 Enterprise Accounting merupakan aplikasi akuntansi distribusi manufaktur grosir. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan format catatan Hutang, Piutang, General Ledger, Inventaris barang, Sales Orders, Pesanan Pembelian, Manufaktur, serta Analisis Penjualan. Aplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk melakukan penghitungan otomatis bagi anda yang memiliki usaha grosiran.
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Windows XP/Vista/7/8
November 2014
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Secara default program BS1 Enterprise Accounting 2014 Free Edition ini menampilkan mengatur toolbar yang merujuk terhadap empat pilihan format yang paling sering digunakan. Misalnya saja: Toolbar Manufaktur akan menampilkan daftar Produk, Manufaktur Pesanan, Penerimaan, serta Laporan. Setiap data yang ditampilkan dapat dicetak sebagai laporan atau arsip toko.
Aplikasi ini telah dilengkapi dengan Fitur Multi-mata uang yang dapat membantu anda memfasilitasi pembelian maupun penagihan dengan skala internasional atau impor dan ekspor. Harga jual dapat diatur secara default dan otomatis untuk dikonversi terhadap mata uang pelanggan. Dengan fitur ini Hutang dan piutang dapat dilacak secara terpisah untuk masing-masing mata uang dan secara otomatis dikonversi terhadap mata uang lokal.
Sementara Laporan keuangan maupun analisis usaha dapat dibuat melalui proses set-up yang sederhana, sehingga pemilik grosir dapat melakukan penghitungan necara dagang dengan mudah dan cepat. Bagi anda yang memerlukan pengaturan lebih, aplikasi ini dapat di Kustomisasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari masing-masing pemilik usaha.
BS1 Enterprise Accounting is the accounting wholesale distribution manufacturing software: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Manufacturing, Sales Analysis software. Delphi source code. Customization.
The BS1 Enterprise Accounting launch pad fits compactly on your screen. Select an application to set the toolbar to the four most frequently used options. Example: Manufacturing toolbar: Items, Manufacturing Orders, Receipts, Reports. Sales orders may be optionally entered as Quotes and printed for customer approval. When approved, the status is changed to On Order. Picking slips may be printed for the shipping department. Bills of lading may be printed to go with the shipments. Multiple shipments are allowed per order.
Manufacturing orders default to the product standard component materials and resources (labour and equipment), which you can then change for substitutions or to use a different machine if one is overbooked, or for manufacturing a custom product. Bills of Materials may be printed for the plant personnel showing the materials and resources to be used. Manufacturing receipts default using data from the order, so only exceptions require entry, such as unplanned substitutions or differences in the quantities of materials or resources used. Scheduling of shipments, purchasing and manufacturing is facilitated by a report showing current inventory levels, sales orders, purchase orders and manufacturing orders.
Multi-currency features facilitate purchasing and billing internationally (import and export). The default selling price is automatically converted to the customer's currency. Payables and receivables are tracked separately for each currency and the GL automatically converts revenues and expenses to domestic currency. Gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations is tracked.
User-defined financial statements can be created through a simple set-up process. GL account totals and inventory totals can be viewed on screen with drill-down to original source transactions. Sample data is provided and there is an optional "wizard" to assist with entering initial live data. The wizard sets up common GL accounts which can later be changed, deleted, or added to.
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